Awards Show Voice Over
Arguably my favourite type of voice over work is as an Awards Show Voice Over for live awards ceremonies. ‘Voice of God’ is the industry terminology for the performer who makes the vocal announcements at awards shows and events. Usually announcing the awards nominees and other audience event information.
Many of the established artists who work as ‘Voice of God’ have also been the in-show voice on tv shows, myself included. There’s certainly a crossover in terms of the style.

With the lifting of Covid restrictions last year an entertainment starved public were permitted to have fun again. With that a pent up supply of awards shows simply begging to happen. It was a pleasure to be the live Awards Show Announcer for the NEPA Awards. Sceptre Awards, NCE Tunnelling Awards and once again the FMBE Field Marketing Awards.
A slightly scaled back version of previous events, January’s FMBE was held at Oxford Town Hall, a lovely example of Victorian splendour. Imagine a cross between my living room and a Wedgwood dinner service and you’re probably not all that far off!

Live or pre-rec?
When booking an Awards Show announcer there are a few things to consider:
Among those, will the Voice of God be live in-person or pre-recorded?
Pre-recorded is perfectly fine and often suited to a tighter budget or simpler occasion, and many artists will happily offer that service. However, there’s quite a difference between the two. For starters, as a performer there’s no comparison between sitting alone in a home studio versus the added pressure of a live audience. Let’s just say, performing in front of 500 strangers isn’t for everyone.
There are no second takes, no “can I go again?” and no “oh I’ll just edit that bit”. Many voices are also able to perform the former but the latter’s a different game altogether.
Being there in-person adds so much more to the event. The buzz of a live audience, tailoring your delivery to suit, and the fun of spontaneity makes it just so much more entertaining.
I regularly voice both live and recorded awards show voice overs but can honestly say it’s the live, in-person work that really does it for me. As you’ll hear below.
"Der krieg ist verloren!"
It’s ironic really. Back in the mid 90s when I was working in local radio I’d rather have eaten my own trousers (white anyone?) than be involved in the station’s live roadshows.
Just like the Japanese WWII soldier found wandering around the jungle thirty years after the war had ended, it was as if no-one had told the programme controller there that it was no longer 1983.
By contrast, awards shows today are big budget, super-glam, slick spectaculars usually hosted by a name; backed by a professional voiceover artist (ahem) and sound, vision and lighting crew. Throw in enough fizz to pickle a brontosaurus and a sumptuous venue and they really are rather impressive.

Johnny Oxford
And so that brings us back to Oxford. Superb, lively good fun, ad libs and improv aplenty and a really fabulous night. I really do love this kind of work.